Draper Couch

The perfect Sit-In for Mad Men ... and Women
Photos: Kim Sperling (High Res Download here)
The Draper Couch is named after TV legend Don Draper - the New Yorker Advertising Mastermind behind "Mad Men". The design is inspired by the interior of the scandinavian Sixties which today is not in production anymore. The Draper Couch is part of the so called "Hartz IV Möbel-Collection" - a social Do It Yourself-project invented by Berlin-based architect Van Bo Le-Mentzel. To build this Two-Seater, you just need good drill and good will. Make it in less than three hours. Put a Kids mattress (140 cm x 70 cm) on top and add cushions for the back. It's all wood, baby. Purchased from your local Hardware store (ca. 200 Euro). It's easy. Let's do it - Screw it!
Work hard - play ground!
Actually it is not that hard to make it. Finally this couch invites you to get creative. Say hello to your new private playground at home.


• Sexyness of Don Draper's Office in "Mad Men" (Set Decoration by Amy Wells, 2007)

• Purity of danish Sofas (produced by Jydsk Møbelvaerk, 1960s)

• Proportions of the sideboards by Arne Vodder (1926-2009)

Take a chance - get the plans here.